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CRASSH | How are children's voices heard?
CRASSH - Children and artificial intelligence: Risks, opportunities and the future - Session 1
CRASSH - Children and artificial intelligence: Risks, opportunities and the future - Session 2
CRASSH Course Case -- 4 year old with Recurrent Fevers
CRASSH | Education, exclusion and citizenship
CRASSH | Resistance & empowerment – Dr Maggie Semple OBE and Laura Henry Allain MBE
CRASSH I Global Medical Humanities I Panel C: Spaces of Care-Caring Spaces
CRASSH | Narratives of Windrush and migration (Panel 2) – Post-Windrush generation
CRASSH I Indigenous studies in the United Kingdom and Europe I Day 2 I Keynote 3
CRASSH | ‘Liv Good’: An intersectional, African/Caribbean perspective – Dr Gabriella Beckles-Raymond
CRASSH | Mindful of AI: Language, Technology and Mental Health | Social Media and Mental Health
CRASSH | Scene & Heard in Somers Town - inReach – /ɪn riːtʃ/ Seminar Series